Friday, May 06, 2005

Left behind

So today we leave for Sweden for three weeks, and we only get to bring one bike each. The agony, the agony. Amelia is bringing her track bike, but for me the question that had to be settled was whether I would prioritize casual fun and bling bling or training versatility. Finally, common sense won over flash, and the Gardin was left behind and I packed up my trusty scratched up Colnago road bike. It would have been cool to be able go to the Ballerup velodrome outside of Copenhagen though......

Monday, May 02, 2005

Mayday alleycat

On mayday we both participated in PAWCs radical alleycat. Six stops, with various assignments including wheatpasting posters and sidewalk scribbling. The race was faster than anticipated by the organizers, so some checkpoint people had not had time to arrive when the racers showed up. Here Amelia is pulling in to the end point. She did an awesome race, finishing first among the ladies, beating some on geared bikes. I came in second overall, beat by a nice guy called Matthew riding carbon fiber bike with his own cycling coach so I feel ok about that. I checked my pulse during the race, and I was up around 187 beats per minute during the fastest stretches. I didn't even know my heart could do that.

Here are the winners of the alleycat cool award in my book. This is also the longest bike I have ever seen.

Red octopous

The octopus is now colored a happy red color. He turned out to be a handsome fellow. Interesting tidbit about octopuses, courtesy of Patrick: They can squeeze through spaces approximately as narrow as the distance between their eyes. That is so awesome.