Sunday, May 11, 2008

The old girl gets some paint




Yesterday we finally got the velodrome good and painted. This springs moody weather meant that we could not apply paint the scheduled day a few weeks ago, so we spent that day scraping and patching the larger holes. As a result, the velodrome has not been that great to ride on; kilo night cost me $100 worth of tubular tire for my disc wheel as I got a cut across the bead. Hopefully there will be less of that now that we have dolled the velodrome up and scraped down the worst bumps.

Pursuits went really well; the night was cold and a little bit windy so times were not stellar, but I banged out a respectable time for a first of the year ride. With some luck I'll be able to improve on the pacing a bit this thursday, as there may be a slot open to reride if not too many people show up. Training has been going very well for me, with new power records for shorter distances, and some good riding in general. Yesterday was sprint night, and both I and Amelia had very good rides, both tactically and speed-wise. The popularity of track racing in the lower categories seems to be holding up; to fit the sprint tournament into the alloted time we had to cut rides from three laps to two, which felt a little bit unusual.
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