Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vacation bike rides


So there we were, back where it all began in Gothenburg. Our vacation had taken off, and it was time to kick back and enjoy the remnants of swedish summer. Well, there was not much summer left unfortunately, but we did get some solid fall.

One of the first things we needed to do was to go on a bike ride with Susann's new bicycle club. When she and Johan visited in May, we got her set up with a road bike that fit her, and when she got back to sweden she got really into biking. Moreover, she started hanging out at Veloform and eventually joined the Komet club roleur. The club has two important rules: You need to look good when biking, and every ride needs to have coffee or beer somewhere along the route. Nice!

We decided to go on a ride midday on one of the first days in Sweden, so not that many club members could be there. However, two brave souls showed up for a ride to Hen Island. The ride was very nice, and included a ferry ride out to the island.

The day was overcast, which gave a typical Swedish west coast winter feel to the scenery. Luckily it was not that windy. Rule two was met by a coffee and politically incorrect pastry at the Hen Island cafe.

We ended our ride back at Veloform, where Anders was keeping the customers entertained and supplied with coffee. At the end of our stay, he took the plunge to get an espresso machine. Next time we are looking forward to real coffee when discussing bikes and hanging out!
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